Saturday, November 19, 2005

To each, His own.

My SAHM/WM post continues to draw attention. I received a comment from a woman that I think is noteworthy. Her comment read as follows:

hey there Corrina ... here's a thought: I have no opinion on what's more fulfilling, being a SAHM or a WM. Because I'm neither. I've chosen NOT to procreate because I want to spend my life doing other things. So why does EVERY mom and dad I know tell me that I'm not getting any younger, I better step on it, I better have children before its too late, and refuse to take me seriously when I tell them I love their kids, I just don't want any of my own? It's easy for you to say "hey if you want a career, don't have kids" ... but society places tremendous judgment on the child free. Just FYI.

I emailed a direct response to her but wanted to share it with the class. It read as follows:

You're so right. My parents have some friends who have chosen to remain childless and it took until they were damn near fifty for folks to get that they actually didn't want to have any children!! Both of these couples have very fulfilling and exciting lives, terrific careers, and incredibly solid marriages. I wish the very same for you! Zack and I only want to have one child and, similar to what's happening to you, no one believes us! We get an amazing amount of "Oh, you'll change your mind." and "Oh, Maeve's going to need a sibling!" I find it all very patronizing. I'm an only child and I'm confident I didn't suffer for it. I suppose the bottom line is that, for whatever pathological reason, people vehemently think that they know best; that their way is the only way. I never expected for this post be such a fart in the bath. Perhaps we'll all learn a little, tiny lesson in "To each, his own."

Thanks for your comment. Your
blog is great. I'll definitely keep reading.

Warmest regards from the Midwest,


Blogger Hello, It's Louise. said...


Hope your holiday was wonderful...

November 27, 2005 1:22 AM  
Blogger Hello, It's Louise. said...

Where'd ya go?

December 01, 2005 7:15 PM  

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