Tuesday, September 27, 2005

A wine-with-dinner sort of day

I had such a vitally good day today.  The weather is fabulous.  Low 70’s, low humidity, bright sunshine, cloudless sky.  The first days of the fall in the Midwest finally remind one why one chooses to live here.  Our local weather channel actually described a series of days in this past July as ‘Steam Bath Days’.  I’m not sure that’s an actual meteorological term but if the shoe fits…  Zack and I thought ‘Wet Blanket Days’ might be a contestant for next summer’s roughest days.  When the humidity is really high my mom often refers to the weather as ‘close’.  Anyway, I guess today was ‘far’ not ‘close’.  

Maeve woke at 6:30 this morning as she does most days.  Zack got her up and changed her while he cooed at her in Italian.  “Buon giorno, principessa!”  He brought her in to our room and snuggled her in beside me where she nursed happily for twenty minutes or so.  We lounged in bed, giggling and cuddling until almost 7:30.  She kicked around on her activity gym long enough for me to eat breakfast and have a cup of coffee.  I threw a hoodie on over her PJ’s and plopped her in her stroller, let the dogs out, and we hit the road.  We walked for about an hour in the crisp, sixty degree morning air.  Maeve slept most of the way.  

The rest of our morning flew by with a mixture of playing, playing, mashed bananas, playing, me getting a really nice shower while Miss bounced in the bouncy seat in the bathroom (she even let me blow dry my hair while I sang “Summer Lovin’” over and over to her), after which she settled down for a nap.  Zack came home for lunch.  Maeve woke up just in time to see him before he went back to work.  More nursing and then we headed out to run some errands.  After two hours of carting her around town to various stops, including the Starbucks drive thru, Maeve fell asleep in the car and slept in the driveway while I unloaded all our loot.  More nursing then we took a nap together.  After our nap Maeve watched Baby Van Gogh while I did a load of laundry.  Now Daddy is home so, of course, the two of them headed out for their nightly walk.  Zack takes her a good hour walk every night when he gets home.  We call it my decompression time.  I usually read or check email and get dinner ready.  Wild mushroom tortellini with pesto is on the menu for tonight.  Thanks to our glorious day, I even put a bottle of Pinot Grigio in the fridge to chill!  Life is good.  


Blogger Kent said...

What time's dinner?

September 27, 2005 6:30 PM  
Blogger Hello, It's Louise. said...

hm...pinot grigio. makes me thirsty... :P

September 27, 2005 11:04 PM  

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