Friday, December 02, 2005

Turkey Day.

Zack brought home the most beautiful little Norfolk Island Pine for me yesterday. We’re not getting a big tree since we’ll be in Colorado for Christmas but we both love Christmas decorations so much he thought the little pine would be a great consolation. He was right; it’s adorable. It will be the centerpiece of my Christmas Mantle. It has to be otherwise the cat will eat the damn thing. I think Maeve and I may spend the afternoon dragging all the decorations up from the basement. So Happy Holidays, folks!

Thanksgiving was marvelous. (Photos to follow) My parents came in from CO and spent the week with us. Zack and I even went out on a date while Maeve went to the mall with Grandma and Grandpa! Oh, and no need to call social services regarding the baby and beer photos. It was all in good fun.

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Blogger Hello, It's Louise. said...

Yay! you will be in Co for Christmas? What days? Will you be in town for New Years? email me... :)

December 02, 2005 12:32 PM  

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