Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Mean Teeth = No Sleep

Holy shit, teething sucks!  Maeve is currently waking more during the night now than when she was a newborn.  And it stinks.  I feel so terrible for her.  She truly likes her sleep and it is currently completely evading her… and subsequently sleep is also evading me.  

I did manage to sleep enough last night/this morning to have one of my peculiar dreams.  I was working on some sort of chain gang, raking grass clippings off a rail line.  There were dozens of us, all women, pushing our rakes along the tracks with onlookers lined up on either side of the tracks as if at a parade.  The woman beside me, a young Asian woman with long, shiny hair uncovered a tiny red chili pepper under her pile of grass.  She reached down and picked it up, cracked it between her fingernails like the way one would rub dry spices to let out the flavor, and swallowed it.  She found another and did the same only this time she broke off a small piece of the pepper and tucked it down my shirt, into my bra.  I instinctively grabbed it with the cotton of my shirt being careful not to touch it with my bare skin and threw it down.  At that moment, the Asian woman dropped dead.  I then began to futilely explain to the people in charge that the peppers had killed her, that she had intentionally ingested them, knowing full well that they were poisonous.  I showed them the red traces on my arm where the pepper touched me as well as a white terry cloth smudged with the red and tried to explain that the pepper had to be consumed in certain quantities to cause death as I was fine.  

I’m so disappointed that I didn’t write this down sooner.  I actually knew the name and spelling of the pepper when I woke up but now I’ve forgotten.  I have to replay my dreams completely when I awake in order to remember them.  

On a funnier note, my kid loves paper, particularly magazines.  She cries when we take it away.  We discovered her obsession last week while visiting some friends.  She devoured their US Weekly.  She’s funny.  I tried wax paper thinking she would like it and it would withstand her slobber better.  Nope; she likes her tabloids.  See for yourself…


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